It was a bad night...
Caffeine and a few other things not worth mentioning...
The sleep was bad ... the dream was worse...
nightmarish... all my fears came alive and spoke to me...
i was stranded on an island with my most annoying cousin
an island of muscular men - who were 3 foot tall...
and spoke a strange language... and laughed from their necks!
We all lived under the stairs...with the man that lived under the stairs!
since i was 5!
my home boy was dead... yet alive...
dying of bone racking cough...
My heart brother has a sore... in his leg...
and it is festering so badly...his toes are falling off!
My new interest forgot my name... and kept sneering at me...
I am banished to an island...
in the space between the roof and the ceiling...
dark and mysterious
and i can hear the voices...
ganjally speaking... caffeinerously thinking...
This is all blue...
I need to wake up...
I think its morning ... already!
First day
6 years ago