These days I think a fake “holiness” abounds around me and people are just taking it too far... infact they are taking the mickey!
I used to be a very cynical person, not a pessimist mind you; just cynical... just not that trusting and somewhat “brutally” honest. I was considered a bit too cynical for my age by a lot of people but I worked on it and got better; between 2008 and 2010 I was sure I had it right... but now I think I have lost it again.
The very cynical thing inside me is awake and very angry at all the piss taking... and just to tell you how cynical I am...
I don’t believe a lot of the things people tell me
I don’t trust 50% of the people I know
I an indifferent to 90% of them
I think you are worse than you make out and so will make allowances for you accordingly
I am fine believing you like me less than you act or think, you are not obliged to
I am not optimistic about most things
Overly cheerfulness pisses me off and
Overly ‘religiousness’ pisses me off even more
God is not on twitter, so I don’t appreciate twitter worship...infact I hate it
If you send me a “devotional” in my inbox – that, I appreciate and get, you want to minister to me
If you tweet your worship - I think you are silly!
If you tweet a word of encouragement to Christians or you put it up on facebook - that I also get, you are encouraging your brethren
If you tweet things like - God doesn’t need your Toyota to make you total - I hate you! cos that shit you wrote is not even biblical, its rhyming and it’s a creation of PR chasing Pentecostal pastors
As a rule - I distrust all Pentecostal Pastors.
If you are a pastor who has never served in a village or worked on a mission field - YINMU at you! Please don’t talk to me; you are here for the money!
I don’t think you should read your bible at work! No I don’t and if I am your boss and you do it, I will get you fired! You are not the only one with convictions here!
I rant at God sometimes, and sometimes I whisper to Him...I cajole him...I ask rhetorical questions...then I wonder at him...then I check on him... I knock and say “are you still there?”
Sometimes I am accusing - I know you are there; your silence doesn’t even fool me... This is all between me and God... so don’t preach at me about what I choose to discuss with Him...
I am very cynical now and you might want to take note when you send out those funny messages or you say those funny things to me....don’t take offense cos I don’t believe you or shout Amen.